Blue Cheese Salad with Belgo Hoptologist

Belgo Hoptologist with Blue Cheese Salad

May 29th, 2013

The Beer: Belgo Hoptologist

Type: Belgian IPA
Brewing Company: Knee Deep Brewing Company
ABV: 9.0%

The Food: Blue Cheese Salad

Details: Pre-packaged salad with praline pecans, red and green apples, blue cheese, and a cherry vinaigrette.

Blue Cheese Salad with Belgo Hoptologist Review

The beer was good, the salad was okay, the two together were fine.

The Belgo Hoptologist is brewed by Knee Deep Brewing in Lincoln, CA. If you’re not familiar with this brewery, you should get familiar! So far every beer I have tried from Knee Deep has been a great beer and Belgo Hoptologist holds up to all the others.

I’m a big fan of the Hoptologist DIPA so when I saw the Belgo Hoptologist I had to try it. It was a good beer, though I think I prefer the Hoptologist DIPA. The Belgo Hoptologist was very hoppy yet still seemed well balanced. There was also a subtle aroma and taste of fruitiness.

The food we decided to pair with the Belgo Hoptologist was a blue cheese salad. The salad was a pre-packaged salad that included the dressing and all of the ingredients. You can literally just toss everything together and have a decent salad. It’s quick and simple and tastes okay.

The big question is: how was the beer with the food? The answer is: fine. Surprisingly, the strong flavor of the blue cheese did not take away or add to the beer. The two went well together but neither flavor seemed to change, they both kept their own independent flavor.

Though this pairing isn’t worth rushing out and buying, if you have the two items at home there is no reason not to pair them.

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